Tips for Dealing with Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is a major problem for pregnant women. This morning sickness, in some women, starts after conceiving, while in others, it only appears in the first trimester. And in some cases, it is seen throughout all three trimesters.

This morning sickness is not only experienced in the morning but can also occur throughout the day. It involves nausea from waking up and can continue throughout the day, creating an uncomfortable situation during pregnancy.”

Research has yet to find an exact cause of morning sickness. However, many studies suggest that it is caused by increased levels of the hCG hormone.”

Since this is normal, all we can do is try to control it. Even if you take medicine, relief is usually temporary. We will try to keep it under control by following some rules and tips to make daily life a little more convenient for you.”

Here are some tips to manage morning sickness:

Bloating, gas, and constipation can aggravate morning sickness, so we have to follow some rules throughout the day.

  • The first thing to do is avoid getting up quickly from bed after waking up, as this can exacerbate the problem.
  • You can keep some plain biscuits, which are not oily, in a box next to your bed. The purpose of keeping biscuits nearby is so that you can eat one or two first thing in the morning when you wake up; then wait for half an hour before leaving the bed.
  • There is another benefit to this: during or after pregnancy, you can use them when you wake up hungry in the middle of the night. These plain biscuits will quickly absorb any acid present in your stomach, preventing bloating or gas formation.
  • After waiting for half an hour and then getting out of bed, if possible, open a window in the room. If it’s winter, wrap up well with a sweater or muffler to avoid catching cold.
  • Do some breathing exercises while sitting in bed; take a full chest breath and let it out slowly. Breathing exercises increase lung capacity, which is beneficial during pregnancy as more oxygen is needed.
  • Then with a short break, you can eat oats and various fruits. Dry fruits that have been soaked in water overnight can be taken in the morning.
  • Throughout the day, try to eat small meals at intervals of one and a half to two hours. And whenever you eat food throughout the day, try to include fruit.
  • In the middle of the day, you can take ginger tea or green tea. Ginger tea can often be thought of as harmful during pregnancy; therefore, I recommend taking only ginger extract. Boil a very small amount of ginger in water for a long time and let it cool slightly before taking it.
  • For lunch, avoid spicy food or foods that can cause gas. Try to keep some cooked foods like rice, potatoes, carrots on hand; these foods are basically bland and easy on the stomach.
  • One of the benefits of these foods is that they help to neutralize stomach acid when they reach the stomach, which can prevent the formation of excess acid. This reduction in acid formation can provide relief from gas problems.”
  • It is advisable to eat foods rich in antioxidants and vitamin C throughout the day. These nutrients can help reduce your discomfort.
  • And try to allow a gap of at least half an hour, preferably one hour, before going to bed after dinner.

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